Things My Non-Carnival Friends Ask Me – Part 2

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Things My Non-Carnival Friends Ask Me – Part 2

3. What is Jouvert morning?

ss-jouvertHave you ever tried to explain to Simon at work what Jouvert is… Without sounding like an absolute crazy person for enjoying it.

Traditionally, jouvert involves people dancing through the streets in the early hours of the morning following rhythm sections and music trucks. The festival starts well before dawn and peaks a few hours after sunrise.

After you show them a pic or a video they are still bewildered and all you can say is, “we go to meet our band at 3am and have a carnival in the dark where we cover ourselves in chocolate, paint, powder or mud”.

Yes Simon, I’m not mad it has to be one of the best experiences at carnival. The sheer freedom to enjoy yourself without thinking about how your make-up looks or if our hair hasn’t completely formed into a massive shower cap of its former self.

It’s all about being free and the duttier the better. It’s where all inhibitions are out the window and you remember how lucky you are to be involved in such a beautiful culture. No picture or video can give a true glimpse of the feeling you have when in that moment.

4. Do you drink a lot?

ss-drinkingBefore we start… You newbie friend I am handing a bottle of puncheon to, telling you to take time… Take heed…

I have NEVER had to explain the level of pace, like I’ve had to do with those that have never been to a Caribbean carnival. It’s not uni pre drinks, it’s not your friends drink up…. It’s hard liquor. Like real hard liquor and pace that can sometimes last for more than 24hrs.

A whiskey drinker by birth I remember thinking I could handle this, I’m no kid. I was wrong, the moment my little hands got themselves in an all inclusive fete (a fete that provides unlimited drink and sometimes food) my mindset to drink more than my ticket was worth; as attempt to make myself feel better about the money I parted with, and to impress my crew (aka evil friends) that I could drink my body weight. I can’t lie I don’t remember much but let’s just say I am not a pretty drunk.

I’m not trying to discourage your ability to have fun but Lord Fadda please PLEASE accept yuh limit. Don’t let evil people with coolers built like treasure chests lead you to the road of becoming a meme come Ash Wednesday…

As a wise man said… Drink yuh rum responsibly doh put too much in yuh glass!

Written by Kami McSassy

Check out Things My Non-Carnival Friends Ask Me part 1.

How do you explain carnival to your non-carnival friends and work colleagues? Lets us know in the comment section below.

/ She Soca / Tags: ,

About the Author

She Soca is a brand dedicated to uplifting, supporting and showcasing females on the soca scene.


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